Need Help? / ¿Necesita Ayuda?
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Many families struggle to make ends meet and are forced to choose between buying food and paying bills. Families may not know where to turn for help in accessing food, financial help, and other resources to ease their burden. St Vincent de Paul has assembled resources for families which may be able to provide assistance.
Interactive Map: http://goo.gl/maps/
Assistance Limitations
St. Vincent de Paul helps families living in the Frisco Independent School District ( Frisco ISD) boundaries, except for areas south of Highway 121 and east of Custer Road. We also serve Collin County portions of Prosper and Celina, as well as all registered parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi, no matter where they live.
Our financial resource are limited, typically allowing us to provide a few hundred dollars.
For rental assistance, we can not cover current month, or past-due rent. To have the best chance of St Vincent de Paul assisting with rent payments next month, requests should be submitted by the 15th of this month.
Volunteer Organization
We operate entirely on volunteer resources. As such, it may take up to three weeks for a volunteer to respond to your request. We are not equipped to handle urgent crisis situations.
Resource Guidance
While our financial means are modest, we have compiled a comprehensive list of additional governmental and social service resources. During our in-person meeting, we will discuss these resources and guide you on how you might apply for further assistance.
With your permission, we would be honored to pray with you and offer our support in your spiritual journey, trusting wholeheartedly that the Lord will guide us in the best ways to assist and accompany you during this time of need.
St Vincent de Paul (Frisco) Service Area