Read about the impact we are having with families right here in the Frisco area
Fiscal Year 2023
October 1, 2022- September 30, 2023
Income from Contributions and Fundraisers = $295,857
Adults and Children Helped = 793
Time Devoted SVDP Ministry Work = 7,800 Hours
Funds Disbursed for Shelter, Utilities, Phone, Food/Gas/Medicine = $233,880
SVDP Dallas Council Tithe = $24,021
SFOA Conference Expenses = $19,169
Number of Individuals Assisted
What are the greatest needs?
The need continues to outstrip our resources in time, treasure and talent.
Prayers for those suffering through a time of crisis.
Additional Vincentian volunteers to call and advocate for our friends in need.
Continuing contributions to support this ministry.
Where do we get our funding?
70% of our funding comes our parishioners, through monthly envelopes, Memorials, and special contributions.
30% of our funding comes from activities like Bingo, Bundle Sunday Clothing and Household Item Drives, Vehicle Donations, and the Friends of the Poor Walk.