Bingo in the USA
Bingo and Auction
Saturday, October 12th
6:00 pm - Dinner, Raffle and Silent Auction
7:00 pm - First Game
$2,750 in total prizes
(pre-paid Visa cards)
Grand Prize - $1,000!
Meals for purchase prior to games beginning
Complimentary snacks, beer and wine
Raffle prizes, Silent Auction
$10 Meal Package
meatloaf, mash potatoes, brown gravy, 3-bean salad, peas & carrots and roll
Vegetarian option on request
Additional Items for Purchase
(Day of Event - Cash Preferred)
Grand Prize Black-Out Game ($5/sheet)
Additional Game Package ($5/set - 10 games with 6 bingo cards per game)
Commercial ink daubers (required) ($2)
Raffle tickets (2 for $10 or 5 for $20)
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Parish Center
8000 Eldorado Parkway, Frisco, TX
Bingo Terms and Conditions may be found at this page: https://svdpfrisco.org/bingoterms