Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Feast of Saint Louise de Marillac - May 9

St Louise de Marillac (1591 - 16600

St Louise de Marillac (1591 - 16600

In Louise’s day, serving the needs of the poor was usually a luxury only fine ladies could afford. Her mentor, Saint Vincent de Paul, wisely realized that women of peasant stock could reach poor people more effectively, and the Daughters of Charity were born under her leadership.

Today, that order—along with the Sisters of Charity—continues to nurse the sick and aging and provide refuge for orphans. Many of its members are social workers toiling under Louise’s patronage. The rest of us must share her concern for the disadvantaged.

Gospel: (Matthew 25: 31-46) The King will say to those on his right hand, “ Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me… I tell you solemnly, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.”

Reflection: Louise de Marillac, (1591-1660), married Antoine LeGras and they had a son whom they named Michel, but at the age of 34 she became a widow. Vincent de Paul became her spiritual director and under his guidance she began caring for the poor and visiting the Confraternities of Charity. Vincent and Louise co-founded the Company of the Daughters of Charity, and dedicated them to serve the poor with humility, simplicity and charity. In 1960, Pope John XXIII proclaimed Louise the patron saint of all Christian social workers.

Vincentian Meditation: “Above all, be very gentle and courteous toward your poor. You know that they are our masters and that we much love them tenderly and respect them deeply. It is not enough for these maxims to be in our minds; we must bear witness to them by our gentle and charitable care.”-St. Louise de Marillac- ( Gibson and Kneaves, Praying with Louise, p. 72)

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

We Will Get Through This By Working Together

SVDP Our Faith In Action
“Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you say, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed, but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?”
— James 2:15-16

Many get it.  They walk the walk.  They open their hearts to “bring God’s love to the poor” through their generosity and donations.

The COVID 19 is impacting everyone; some more dramatically than others. Many families have made major changes in everyday routines as they struggle to make ends meet.   They are forced to choose between buying food and paying bills.  Before COVID 19, more than 15% of residents within our community lacked financial resources to consistently access enough food for all household members to enjoy an active and healthy life. Evidence of the problem today can be found in news reports of cars lined up to receive food.  

Healthy bodies and minds requires nutritious meals at every age. Reductions in household income and trade-offs in paying bills and going hungry sets into motion a perpetual cycle of illness or exacerbation of condition that contributes to increases in health care costs and utilization. 

Parishioners open their hearts and respond in kind.  They get it!   Baylor Scott & White   (BS&W) Medical Center - Centennial gets it too.  We are excited to announce that BS&W has awarded $2,500 grant to the  Society of St Vincent de Paul's Food 4 Health Program.   Persons participating in the Program will receive financial assistance to pay basic household expenses and will have access to fresh healthy foods at local ALDI grocery stores.  And ultimately, it provides an opportunity to positively impact the health of persons residing in the Frisco, Celina and Prosper area who are in crisis.  

Helping People in Need:  Where do we get our Funds?

With your help, we will do everything in our power to continue to meet the needs of persons in our community.  The canceling of SVDP fundraising events scheduled for this spring (Bingo and Bundle Weekend, formerly Bundle Sunday) meant a loss of 30% of our revenue. The majority of our funds (70%) comes from our parishioners, through monthly envelopes, memorials, and special contributions.  So, if you usually donate with envelopes at Mass, we are missing your help.  Please consider choosing an alternate method to contribute such as: 

  • Making a donation through Faith Direct 

  • Making a donation through our site: www.svdpfrisco.org

  • Sending a donation to: SVDP at 8000 Eldorado Pkwy in Frisco, TX 75033

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Where There is Hope

SVDP Covid

We hope that you and your loved ones remain healthy and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SVDP continues to work hard meeting basic needs of persons within our community--especially those who are most vulnerable. We have shifted our service model from personalized face-to-face visits in the home to meeting via web and video conferencing.

We expect that as families cope with income disruption, requests for assistance will increase significantly in the coming weeks and months. More funds will be needed to meet the extraordinary demand in order to buy food, medications, cleaning and personal hygiene products, and gas for their vehicle, to prevent evictions, and to keep utilities turned-on. We cannot help these families without your generous donations and support.

Thank You for helping us help others

Your generous gifts to the SVDP are a sign of God's love to those who carry their cross of suffering and pain.

Assistance Provided In March 2020

  • Number of Adults and Children Helped 55

  • Partial Rent Payments/Eviction Prevented $10,507

  • Paid for Food, Medicine, Gas, & Other Basic Needs $4,501

  • Prevented Utility Cut-off $3,487

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

SVdP Thrift Stores: Once Again Accepting Donations

SVdP Thrift Stores: Now Accepting Donations

 We would like to thank everyone who has supported the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores during this time, we truly could not be who we are without you. As always the safety of our team and guests is our top priority, and have decided that at this time our Stores will remain closed.
The Donation Doors at our Dallas and Plano locations will be opening starting this Tuesday, May 5th, from 9am-5pm, and Monday through Saturday, thereafter for donation drop offs only. Please read below for a list of guidelines that must be followed in order for your donations to be accepted, we strongly believe these guidelines will allow our team, as well as you, to be able to operate in a safe environment during this time.

  • Clothing must be washed and in a sealed plastic trash bag.

  • Donations will NOT be taken from any vehicles, they must be set on our doorstep where a member of our staff will safely bring inside. 

  • We will not be offering any furniture pick-ups at this time.

  • Clothing items being donated to one of our donation bins must be in the same conditions as mentioned above. 

We will continue to monitor the situation and post more updates as soon as they are readily available to us by the CDC and government authorities.
At our stores, the health and safety of our team members and guests is our top priority. Thanks again for your support, we are truly blessed, and look forward to seeing you soon.

God Bless You,  
Your Thrift Store Staff

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story Loren Lacy story Loren Lacy

St Vincent de Paul Mini Loan Program


Do you work hard and struggle to make PayDay or Title Loan payments and pay bills each month?  

Individuals who have taken out PayDay Loans or a Title Loan can find a better alternative to escalating debt and high interest rates with St Vincent de Paul’s Mini Loan Program.  Qualified individuals, who have a source of income, can pay 3.15% (APR) interest on a Mini Loan, co-signed by SVDP, and get help fine-tuning a budget and establish a savings plan.

Read this story about how St Vincent de Paul helped Tricia with a PayDay Loan

If you have a payday or auto title loan:

  • Our mini loan conversion program may be able to help.

  • We offer low-interest re-financing, so you can escape manipulative and predatory lenders.

  • One-year program, with ongoing support

  • Financial coaching to help you plan and save for the future!

If you do not have a loan, but need help covering an emergency expense:

  • You may qualify for a low-interest emergency loan

  • Amount between $500 - $2500

  • For use on expenses like home and auto repair, a deposit on a new or safer apartment, and medical bills

Benefits of SVdP Mini Loan Program

  • Helps you get out and stay out of the harmful, never-ending cycle of debt

  • Frees you from pushy, intimidating lenders and collections agents

  • Builds your credit score

  • Ongoing, caring support for our participants

  • A new savings account once you complete the 1-year program

A way out of poverty toward financial freedom.

Call us today to apply: (469) 607-0909

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annoucement Loren Lacy annoucement Loren Lacy

Happy Easter from St Vincent de Paul


From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.
- John 1:16

Because of Him, our hearts can be thankful for every good gift, every joy, every blessing- and for special people like you.

Easter Blessings to all friends of St Vincent de Paul

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information Loren Lacy information Loren Lacy

Prayer to St Vincent de Paul


St Vincent de Paul (1581 – 1660)


O Saint Vincent de Paul, our father and model, throughout your life you wished to imitate Jesus, the missionary and servant. In your time, you confronted the plague, the illness of the people. Intercede now with the Holy Trinity on behalf of all the nations on earth visited by the modern scourge. Help the bodies and hearts of all victims. Strengthen caregivers, be close to all neighbors, and enlighten researchers. Walk with those approaching the portals of death.


As you gave strong and ardent advice to struggle against evil, so now come to our aid! Teach us how to expose our lives for the weakest among us, and strengthen us to help them better in fearless perseverance. With the sole desire of aiding them in their needs, open our spirits to God’s infinite providence. Let us endow it with his total will for action. Inspire in us, also, obedience to our leaders, as we now place ourselves in your hands, confident and fortified with genuine feelings of dedication and zeal for our sisters and brothers.


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