Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Thank you Spring Creek BBQ !

Thank you to all who joined us at Spring Creek Barbeque to help raise money for those in need in the Frisco area. Through your support and the generosity of Spring Creek Barbeque, St Vincent de Paul was presented with a check for $700.00


SVdP President Ardis Sevcik accepts the proceed check from Spring Creek BBQ representative.

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Walmart Donates to the Friends of the Poor walk

Thank you to Walmart (#2463 Stonebrook Parkway & FM423) for supporting the North Texas Friends of the Poor walk. Walmart has generously donated to support this event, and the entire team thanks you!

Please join us Saturday, Sept 29th in raising money for the poor in the area. https://www.svdpfrisco.org/walk

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Bingo - October 6th


$2,500 in total prizes
(pre-paid Visa cards)

Grand Prize - $1,000!  

6:00 pm - Dine, Raffle, Wine Pull, and Silent Auction
7:00 pm - First Game

$8 Polish Sausage or Brats meal, side and beverage
$2 Hotdogs

Door Prizes
Raffle prizes
Wine pull
Silent Auction

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Blessed Frederic Ozanam

Blessed Frederic Ozanam, servant of the poor

Blessed Frederic Ozanam, servant of the poor

Blessed Frederic Ozanam (1813 - 1853) was the founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Frederic was a husband and father, professor and servant of the poor. He founded the Society of St. Vincent de Paul as a young student with others of the Sorbonne in Paris. Sister Rosalie Rendu, a Daughter of Charity, is considered a mentor of Frederic and of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul as she taught the first members the art of helping the poor and the sick. Frederic's writings on social justice anticipated the first social encyclical of our modern times, Rerum Novarum.

On September 9, we celebrate the feast of Blessed Frederic Ozanam

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