Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Happy Thanksgiving from St Vincent de Paul


Thank you to everyone whose prayers and financial support throughout the year have enable us to be the hands and feet of Christ to over 700 individuals and families in the Frisco area.

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Thank you Alice for your years of service!

Following three years of service, Alice completed her term as president of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Francis of Assisi Conference. 

On Oct. 2, St. Vincent de Paul Society members celebrated the commissioning of their new president Ardis. Alice was presented by the membership with the gift of a pieta. The party included food, wine, cake and lots of good humor.

As conference president, Ardis endeavors to provide an atmosphere in which the members’ talents, capacities, and spirituality are put into the service for the poor. Respecting the dignity of each person, St. Vincent de Paul brings hope and help to those in need so they may find stability and move toward self-sufficiency.

Join us and work within our community to make a difference in lives of the poor!

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Thank you donors!


Thank You!

To all of our donors

We would like to extend a special thank you to the many donors who supported the Friends of the Poor walk this year.  Every penny from this important fundraiser goes to the Frisco, TX conference of St Vincent de Paul, and enables SVdP to continue its mission to provide assistance to those in need in the Frisco area.

We give thanks to God for the generosity of the following donors, as well as those donors who remained anonymous, who helped us raise much needed funds for the coming year.

  • Melissa Hough
  • Charles Brady
  • Michele Johnson
  • Simone Andrade
  • Gustavo Menani
  • Denis Smith
  • Elaine Garret
  • James & Diana Lackey

We could not continue our mission without the generous support of our donors, please keep them in your prayers

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Bingo + Great Food !

We have added the option to purchase a meal before sitting down for you game of Bingo!

Pulled Pork and Beef Brisket BBQ plates are offered for $6!

In addition, you can still purchase $1 hot dogs and sodas.

Desserts and snacks are free.

Remember, every penny earned at bingo helps our friends and neighbors in the Frisco area - the poor, the needy, and those in financial crisis. St. Vincent de Paul is humbled to be a responsible steward of the resources you donate. Please help us help others by participating in this lively and historically old fashioned Catholic event.

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