SVDP Donation Collection Weekend
Bundle Weekend
Oct 24 & 25
Deposit those unwanted items in your closet. Dislodge the hodgepodge in your garage!
Bundle Weekend is your opportunity to help those in need by providing your gently used items to St. Vincent de Paul’s Thrift Store! The truck will be here to pick up your bundles on Saturday, Oct. 24 and Sunday, Oct. 25 from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm. The truck will be in its usual spot in the west parking lot of St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church - Frisco.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID, a few things have changed.
All items must be boxed or sealed in a trash bag.
We also accept canned food!
For a complete list of acceptable items, please visit https://www.svdpfrisco.org/bundle-weekend Your donations allow our stores and the mobile thrift truck to offer quality items at bargain prices. Plus, a portion of the proceeds are given to our own SVdP conference here at St. Francis!
Tax receipts for your donations are available at the truck.
Last Chance to Purchase Tickets
Saturday, October 19, 2019
$2,500 in total prizes
Grand Prize - $750
6:00 pm - Dinner, Raffle, Wine Pull, and Silent Auction
7:00 pm - First Game
$300 Reserved Table Package
Table for 8
1 raffle tickets / person
1 meal tickets / person
$400 Value
$35 Game Package Includes
Ten Games with 6 Bingo cards per game
Special Prizes per Game
One Black-Out Game for $750 Grand Prize
(Game Package will be $40 day of event. Purchase now and save 15%)
All prizes are pre-paid Visa gift cards
More Information and complete rules: https://www.svdpfrisco.org/bingo
Buy now and Save 15% On Bingo Tickets
Saturday, October 19, 2019
$2,500 in total prizes
Grand Prize - $750
6:00 pm - Dinner, Raffle, Wine Pull, and Silent Auction
7:00 pm - First Game
$300 Reserved Table Package
Table for 8
1 raffle tickets / person
1 meal tickets / person
$400 Value
$35 Game Package Includes
Ten Games with 6 Bingo cards per game
Special Prizes per Game
One Black-Out Game for $750 Grand Prize
(Game Package will be $40 day of event. Purchase now and save 15%)
All prizes are pre-paid Visa gift cards
More Information and complete rules: https://www.svdpfrisco.org/bingo
Bingo Tickets Now on Sales
$2,500 in total prizes
Grand Prize - $750!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
6:00 pm - Dine, Raffle, Wine Pull, and Silent Auction
7:00 pm - First Game
Meals for purchase prior to games beginning
Complimentary snacks, beer and wine
Raffle prizes
Wine pull
Silent Auction
To purchase tickets or to become a sponsor: https://www.svdpfrisco.org/bingo
2019 Friends of the Poor Walk
North Texas Friends of the Poor Walk
Ever wonder how you can make a difference to the life of someone right in your community? Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 28, 2019, and join your friends and neighbors at the Annual Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run, sponsored by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. For more information, to support a walker, to make a donation, to become a sponsor, or to register as a walker please visit click on the following link https://www.svdpfrisco.org/walk
2019 Friends of the Poor Walk
September 28th, 2019
Please join us on Saturday morning, September 28th, for a beautiful walk at Phillip Creek Trails. All proceeds from our walk go directly to benefit those in need in the Frisco area.
In 2017, St Vincent de Paul provided more than $132,000 in housing assistance, food, clothing, transportation, utility costs and medicine to those in the Frisco area. In addition, our members volunteered more than 6,800 hours in serving the poor and providing educational and advocacy support to promote self-sufficiency.
Bingo Tickets Now on Sales
$2,500 in total prizes
Grand Prize - $750!
Saturday, June 29, 2019
6:00 pm - Dine, Raffle, Wine Pull, and Silent Auction
7:00 pm - First Game
Meals for purchase prior to games beginning
Complimentary snacks, beer and wine
Raffle prizes
Wine pull
Silent Auction
To purchase tickets or to become a sponsor: https://www.svdpfrisco.org/bingo