Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

National Car Donation Program

The National Vehicle Donation Program for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was extremely successful in 2015. There were more cars donated in 2015 than in any prior year, allowing local Conferences and Councils the ability to help more people in need than ever before.

2015 Statistics
•    2,455 cars sold
•    $1,065,668 in net revenue

Program Statistics
•    9,055 cars sold since 2010
•    $4.9 Million in net revenue since 2010

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Next CA Training

Our members, called Vincentians, continually strive to promote the dignity of the people they serve while helping alleviate their suffering and distress and working to help correct conditions that cause these problems.  We do this by visiting, face-to-face, with each person who requests assistance.

If you feel called to join St Vincent de Paul, and would like to become trained as a volunteer who visits directly with those in need, the training will be Feb. 20th from 1:00 to 3:00 in the SVDP meeting room at St Francis of Assisi  Catholic Church

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Loren Lacy Loren Lacy

Fresh New Look

St Vincent de Paul web page is making some changes for the new year.   Expect to find all of the useful information you had before, but we needed to update some components of our web page.

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